Results for 'Roger A. Moore'

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  1.  20
    Ethical Considerations for Psychophysiology Studies.Roger A. Moore - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (2):40-45.
    All psychology research should strictly adhere to ethical principles outlined by the researcher's local governing body. In the UK, this is the British Psychological Society (BPS). However, in papers advising on methodology used in psychophysiology (a research area within psychology), issues linked to ethics are rarely mentioned despite the invasive nature of this type of research. Guidelines published by local governing bodies are never mentioned. In this paper, important ethical issues in psychophysiology research are discussed with respect to BPS guidelines. (...)
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  2. Sense-experience, colours and tastes.Roger A. Shiner - 1979 - Mind 88 (April):161-178.
  3.  13
    Law and Its Normativity.Roger A. Shiner - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 415–445.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Externalist Accounts Internalist Accounts Descriptivist Accounts Naturalized Jurisprudence Conclusion References.
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  4. Welfarism in moral theory.Andrew Moore & Roger Crisp - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (4):598 – 613.
    We take welfarism in moral theory to be the claim that the well-being of individuals matters and is the only consideration that fundamentally matters, from a moral point of view. We argue that criticisms of welfarism due to G.E. Moore, Donald Regan, Charles Taylor and Amartya Sen all fail. The final section of our paper is a critical survey of the problems which remain for welfarists in moral theory.
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    Development of a consensus approach for return of pathology incidental findings in the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project.Nicole C. Lockhart, Carol J. Weil, Latarsha J. Carithers, Susan E. Koester, A. Roger Little, Simona Volpi, Helen M. Moore & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (9):643-645.
    The active debate about the return of incidental or secondary findings in research has primarily focused on return to research participants, or in some cases, family members. Particular attention has been paid to return of genomic findings. Yet, research may generate other types of findings that warrant consideration for return, including findings related to the pathology of donated biospecimens. In the case of deceased biospecimen donors who are also organ and/or tissue transplant donors, pathology incidental findings may be relevant not (...)
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    Effectiveness of a cognitive behavioural workbook for changing beliefs about antipsychotic polypharmacy: analysis from a cluster randomized controlled trial.Andrew Thompson, Sarah Sullivan, Maddi Barley, Laurence Moore, Paul Rogers, Attila Sipos & Glynn Harrison - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):520-528.
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    A Joint-Venture Approach in Teaching Students How to Recognize and Analyze Ethical Scenarios.Xavier Jackson, Zachary Jasensky, Vivian Liang, Melvin Moore, Jake Rogers, Geoffrey Pfeifer & Kristen L. Billiar - 2015 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 6 (3-4):197-209.
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    Definition, conceptualisation and measurement of trust.Martin Porcheron, Minha Lee, Birthe Nesset, Frode Guribye, Margot van der Goot, Roger K. Moore, Ricardo Usbeck, Ana Paiva, Catherine Pelachaud, Elayne Ruane, Björn Schuller, Guy Laban, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Matthias Kraus & Asbjørn Følstad - 2022 - Dagstuhl Reports 11 (8):101-105.
    This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 21381 "Conversational Agent as Trustworthy Autonomous System ". First, we present the abstracts of the talks delivered by the Seminar’s attendees. Then we report on the origin and process of our six breakout groups. For each group, we describe its contributors, goals and key questions, key insights, and future research. The themes of the groups were derived from a pre-Seminar survey, which also led to a list of suggested readings (...)
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    Philosophie de la danse.Beauquel Julia, Carroll Noel, Elgin Catherine Z., Karlsson Mikael M., Kintzler Catherine, Louis Fabrice, McFee Graham, Moore Margaret, Pouillaude Frédéric, Pouivet Roger & Van Camp Julie (eds.) - 2010 - Aesthetica, Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
    En posant avec clarté des questions de philosophie de l’esprit, d’ontologie et d’épistémologie, ce livre témoigne à la fois de l’intérêt réel de la danse comme objet philosophique et du rôle unique que peut jouer la philosophie dans une meilleure compréhension de cet art. Qu’est-ce que danser ? Que nous apprend le mouvement dansé sur la nature humaine et la relation entre le corps et l’esprit ? À quelles conditions une œuvre est-elle correctement interprétée par les danseurs et bien identifiée (...)
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  10.  18
    Wittgenstein: Lectures, Cambridge 1930-1933: From the Notes of G. E. Moore.David G. Stern, Brian Rogers & Gabriel Citron (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    This edition of G. E. Moore's notes taken at Wittgenstein's seminal Cambridge lectures in the early 1930s provides, for the first time, an almost verbatim record of those classes. The presentation of the notes is both accessible and faithful to their original manuscripts, and a comprehensive introduction and synoptic table of contents provide the reader with essential contextual information and summaries of the topics in each lecture. The lectures form an excellent introduction to Wittgenstein's middle-period thought, covering a broad (...)
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  11. Moore’s Notes on Wittgenstein’s Lectures, Cambridge 1930-1933: Text, Context, and Content.David G. Stern, Gabriel Citron & Brian Rogers - 2013 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review (1):161-179.
    Wittgenstein’s writings and lectures during the first half of the 1930s play a crucial role in any interpretation of the relationship between the Tractatus and the Philosophical Investigations . G. E. Moore’s notes of Wittgenstein’s Cambridge lectures, 1930-1933, offer us a remarkably careful and conscientious record of what Wittgenstein said at the time, and are much more detailed and reliable than previously published notes from those lectures. The co-authors are currently editing these notes of Wittgenstein’s lectures for a book (...)
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  12. Bonner, Anthony. The Art and Logic of Ramon Llull: A User's Guide. Studien und Texte zur Geistesge-schichte des Mittelalters, 95. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2007. Pp. xx+ 333. Cloth, $150.00. Boros, Gábor, Herman De Dijn, and Martin Moors, editors. The Concept of Love in 17th and 18th Century Philosophy. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2007. Pp. 269. Paper,€ 35.50. Boulnois, Olivier. Au-delà de l'image, Une archéologie du visual au Moyen Âge, Ve-XVIe siècle. Paris: Des. [REVIEW]Roger T. Ames, Peter D. Hershock, Andrew R. Bailey, Samantha Brennan, Will Kymlicka, Jacob Levy, Alex Sager & Clark Wolf - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):653-56.
  13.  19
    Rationalism, Realism, and Relativism. [REVIEW]Roger Paden - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):852-853.
    This book is both a critical history of metaethics from Moore to the present and an argument for a particular quasi-Wittgensteinian metaethical position Arrington calls "conceptual relativism." Although the details of metaethical arguments are often torturously complex, the general sweep of the history of metaethical theory, as Arrington relates it, is surprisingly simple. At the beginning of the century, metaethical theory was dominated by a kind of cognitivism, the most important form of which was Moore's intuitionism. This position (...)
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  14. The Cambridge Companion to Keynes.Roger E. Backhouse & Bradley W. Bateman (eds.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    John Maynard Keynes was the most important economist of the twentieth century. He was also a philosopher who wrote on ethics and the theory of probability and was a central figure in the Bloomsbury Group of writers and artists. In this volume contributors from a wide range of disciplines offer new interpretations of Keynes's thought, explain the links between Keynes's philosophy and his economics, and place his work and Keynesianism - the economic theory, the principles of economic policy, and the (...)
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  15.  44
    Roger Sansom and Robert N. Brandon (eds.): Integrating Evolution and Development: From Theory to Practice: MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 2007, 334 + xii pp., US$ 70,00 (Hb), US$ 36,00 (Pb). ISBN 978-0-262-69353-0. [REVIEW]Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 59 (1):81-86.
    Roger Sansom and Robert N. Brandon (eds.): Integrating Evolution and Development: From Theory to Practice Content Type Journal Article Pages 81-86 DOI 10.1007/s10441-010-9121-x Authors Thomas A. C. Reydon, Institute of Philosophy & Center for Philosophy and Ethics of Science (ZEWW), Leibniz Universität Hannover, Im Moore 21, 30167 Hannover, Germany Journal Acta Biotheoretica Online ISSN 1572-8358 Print ISSN 0001-5342 Journal Volume Volume 59 Journal Issue Volume 59, Number 1.
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    A new molecular biology bible? Current protocols in moleculur biology (1993). Edited by Frederick M. Ausubel, Roger Brent, Roberit E. Kingston, David D. Moore, J. G. Setdman, John A. Smith and Kevin Struhl. Greene Publishing Associates, Inc. and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2200+ pp. ISBN 0‐471‐50338‐X (vols 1 & 2 set). ISBN 0‐471‐50337‐1 (vol. 2 binder). $415. Update service $170 p.a. [REVIEW]Rosemary E. Davis - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (9):635-635.
  17.  88
    My Body, My Body Parts, My Property?Deryck Beyleveld & Roger Brownsword - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (2):87-99.
    This paper challenges the view, commonly held inbiolaw and bioethics, that there can be no proprietaryrights in our own bodies or body parts. Whether thestarting point is the post-intervention informedconsent regime of Article 22 of the Convention ofHuman Rights and Biomedicine or the traditional(exclusionary) understanding of private property it isargued that property in our own bodies or body partsis presupposed. Although these arguments do notdemonstrate that there is property of this kind (forthat, a full-scale justification of the institution ofprivate property (...)
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  18.  56
    Could three frames suffice?Roger A. Browse & Brian E. Butler - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):290-291.
  19.  51
    Wittgenstein: Lectures, Cambridge 1930–1933, From the Notes of G. E. Moore, edited by David G. Stern, Brian Rogers, and Gabriel CitronWittgenstein’s Whewell's Court Lectures: Cambridge, 1938–1941, From the Notes by Yorick Smythies, edited, introduced, and annotated by Volker A. Munz and Bernhard Ritter. [REVIEW]Hanne Appelqvist - 2019 - Mind 128 (511):984-993.
    Wittgenstein: Lectures, Cambridge 1930–1933, From the Notes of G. E. Moore, edited by SternDavid G, RogersBrian, and CitronGabriel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Pp. lxxiv + 420.
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    A neuropsychology of deception and self-deception.Roger A. Drake - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):552-553.
    As more criminals are imprisoned, other individuals change their behavior to replace them, as predicted by the theory of strategic behavior. The physiological correlates of sociopathy suggest that research in cognitive neuroscience can lead toward a solution. Promising pathways include building upon current knowledge of self-deceit, the independence of positive and negative emotions, the lateralization of risk and caution, and the conditions promoting prosocial behavior.
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    The Indian Mind. Essentials of Indian Philosophy and Culture.A. B. & Charles A. Moore - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):391.
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  22. A pause in history.Roger A. Dixon & John R. Nesselroade - 1983 - In Richard M. Lerner (ed.), Developmental psychology: historical and philosophical perspectives. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 241.
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  23.  34
    Is there unity within the discipline?Roger A. Newham - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (3):214-223.
    This paper will examine a claim that nursing is united by its moral stance. The claim is that there are moral constraints on nurses' actions as people practising nursing and that they are in some way different from both what for now can be called standard morality and also different from the person's own moral views who also happens to be a nurse, hence the defining and unifying factor for nursing. I will begin by situating the claim within the broader (...)
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  24. Genetic Algorithms and Scientific Method.Roger A. Young - 1990 - In J. E. Tiles, G. T. McKee & G. C. Dean (eds.), Evolving knowledge in natural science and artificial intelligence. London: Pitman. pp. 33.
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    An internal morality of nursing: what it can and cannot do.Roger A. Newham - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (2):109-116.
    It has been claimed that there are certain acts that nurses as people practising nursing must never do because they are nurses and this is regardless of what the same agent should do; that certain actions are not part of proper nursing practice. The concept of an internal morality has been discussed in relation to medicine and has been used to ground the actions proper to medicine in a realist tradition. Although the concept of an internal morality of nursing is (...)
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  26.  31
    A Beginner's History of Philosophy. Vol. II. Modern Philosophy.A. K. Rogers - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:670.
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    Two Classical Forgeries.Roger A. Pack - 1989 - American Journal of Philology 110 (3).
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    The concept of metamemory: Cognitive, developmental, and clinical issues.Roger A. Dixon - 2000 - In G. Berrios & J. Hodges (eds.), Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 47.
  29.  75
    Virtue ethics and nursing: on what grounds?Roger A. Newham - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (1):40-50.
    Within the nursing ethics literature, there has for some time now been a focus on the role and importance of character for nursing. An overarching rationale for this is the need to examine the sort of person one must be if one is to nurse well or be a good nurse. How one should be to live well or live a/the good life and to nurse well or be a good nurse seems to necessitate a focus on an agent's character (...)
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  30.  26
    VII*—Wittgenstein and the Foundations of Knowledge.Roger A. Shiner - 1978 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 78 (1):103-124.
    Roger A. Shiner; VII*—Wittgenstein and the Foundations of Knowledge, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 78, Issue 1, 1 June 1978, Pages 103–124, ht.
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    A defence of encounters.Roger A. Shiner - 1973 - Sophia 12 (3):1-6.
  32.  54
    Aisthēsis, nous and phronēsis in the practical syllogism.Roger A. Shiner - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 36 (4):377 - 387.
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  33.  11
    Studies in European Philosophy.A. K. Rogers - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18 (6):668-669.
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  34.  43
    Ethical Perception in Aristotle.Roger A. Shiner - 1979 - Apeiron 13 (2):79 - 85.
  35.  10
    Peirce and Religion: Knowledge, Transformation, and the Reality of God.Roger A. Ward - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Charles Sanders Peirce developed a mature Christian faith under the influence of his father Benjamin Peirce and Frederic Dan Huntington, a teacher and pastor at Harvard. Peirce’s Christian self-understanding and concern shape the development of his philosophical logic as well as the development and refinement of pragmatism.
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  36. (1 other version)Norm and Nature: The Movements of Legal Thought.Roger A. Shiner - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (268):251-253.
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    Vers le Positivisme Absolu par l'Idealisme.A. K. Rogers - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (4):484-487.
  38. Pluralism and correlational analysis in developmental psychology: Historical commonalities.Roger A. Dixon & John R. Nesselroade - 1983 - In Richard M. Lerner (ed.), Developmental psychology: historical and philosophical perspectives. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 113--145.
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    Norm and nature: the movements of legal thought.Roger A. Shiner - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is the nature of law to be formal procedure or to embody substantive value? This work deals with the traditional conflict in legal philosophy between positivistic and anti-positivistic theories of law. It examines the conflict with respect to seven central issues in legal philosophy--law as a reason for action, law and authority, the internal point of view to law, the acceptance of law, discretion and principle, interpretation and semantics, and law and the common good. This work argues that although this (...)
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    A Beginner's History of Philosophy.A. K. Rogers & Herbert Ernest Cushman - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (2):212.
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    Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire.Roger A. Pack & G. W. Bowersock - 1971 - American Journal of Philology 92 (2):337.
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  42.  30
    A model of quantum measurement in Josephson junctions.Roger A. Hegstrom & Fernando Sols - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (5):681-700.
    A model for the quantum measurement of the electronic current in a Josephson junction is presented and analyzed. The model is similar to a Stern-Gerlach apparatus, relying on the deflection of a spin-polarized particle beam by the magnetic field created by the Josephson current. The aim is (1) to explore, with the help of a simple model, some general ideas about the nature of the information which can be obtained by measurements upon a quantum system and (2) to find new (...)
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  43.  54
    A comment on D. J. Moore and D. A. Shiek's 'Toward a theory of early infantile autism.'.Rober A. Webb & Dewey J. Moore - 1972 - Psychological Review 79 (3):278-279.
  44.  12
    Bounded approximate decentralised coordination via the max-sum algorithm.A. Rogers, A. Farinelli, R. Stranders & N. R. Jennings - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (2):730-759.
  45. Jonathan Edwards and 18th Century Religious Philosophy.Roger A. Ward - 2008 - In Cheryl Misak (ed.), The Oxford handbook of American philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    A medieval critic of macrobius' cosmometrics.Roger A. Pack - 1981 - Vivarium 19 (2):146-151.
  47.  69
    Conti’s Reclamation of Farrer’s Cosmological Personalism.Roger A. Badham - 1996 - The Personalist Forum 12 (1):18-34.
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  48.  48
    Self-predication and the "third man" argument.Roger A. Shiner - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Self-Predication and the "Third Man" Argument ROGER A. SHINER 1.1. IN COMMPm'mO on the 'Third Man' Argument (TMA), Proclus z produces the following line of thought. He argues that. if the relation of resemblance between Form and particular were symmetrical, the argument in question would be valid; the relation is not, however, symmetrical. Where a Form and particular are both alike, have the quality of likeness, the likeness (...)
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  49.  41
    Probabilistic equilibria for evolutionarily stable strategies.Roger A. McCain - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):34-36.
    This commentary suggests that an equilibrium framework may be retained, in an evolutionary model such as Gintis's and with more satisfactory results, if rationality is relaxed in a slightly different way than he proposes: that is, if decisions are assumed to be related to rewards probabilistically, rather than with certainty. This relaxed concept of rationality gives rise to probabilistic equilibria. (Published Online April 27 2007).
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  50.  38
    Deferred Prosecution Agreements and the Presumption of Innocence.Roger A. Shiner & Henry Ho - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (4):707-723.
    A deferred prosecution agreement, or DPA, allows a corporation, instead of proceeding to trial on a criminal charge, to settle matters with the state by acknowledging the facts on which any charge would be based, pay a reduced fine, and agree to change the way they conduct business. Critics of DPAs have suggested that, because the defendant corporation must pay a fine and submit to structural reform without having been found guilty at trial, DPAs violate the Presumption of Innocence. This (...)
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